Downtown Provo Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Provo Utah Homes for Sale
Call Denise Martin, Orem's Nicest Realtor (801) 602-9552 to buy or sell a home.
Get your home value for freeDowntown Neighborhood - Provo UtahSingle family homes are interspersed between apartment building, condo and townhouse complexes and commercial properties. Sitting between the commercial corridors of Freedom Blvd and 500 West makes shopping easy and convenient in the Downtown Neighborhood.
Current codes allow the area to be built six to twelve stories with medium and high-density commercial, office, and residential uses. As the blocks develop and new uses enter into this district it will become the business, entertainment, and recreation destination for the city of Provo. GATEWAY: The west end of this district will be built out with regional commercial uses that transition eastward to local shopping and services. To protect the pioneer neighborhoods around this new development, there will be a low density residential buffer on the north and south edges of the district. This will be complemented by transitional neighborhood services and amenities on the cross-streets. Center Street will provide buildings oriented to the road and create an inviting corridor into Downtown. DOWNTOWN NORTH: The future plans for the Downtown North District consist of medium-density commercial and office lots along Freedom Boulevard and University Avenue. With the district’s proximity to BYU, the residential focus will be on student housing projects along 100 West supported by nearby neighborhood services. The priority property in this district is the Smith’s/RC Willey block between 200 and 400 North, and Freedom Boulevard and 100 West. This block is largely city-owned and has potential to be a great gateway into the downtown core DOWNTOWN CENTRAL: The greatest amount of future growth for the city is occurring in this district. Current codes allow the area to be built six to twelve stories with medium and high-density commercial, office, and residential uses. As the blocks develop and new uses enter into this district it will become the business, entertainment, and recreation destination for the city of Provo. SOUTH TEMPLE: The concept for the future of this district complements the development of the LDS temple property and the UTA station with higher end housing along 100 West. This new medium- and high-density residential area will meet the increased demand for near-downtown housing. The district will also hold a variety of Government and office buildings along University Avenue and connect Downtown to the UTA station. New parks and open space will further enhance this area of downtown. TOD: (Transit District) A large portion of this district’s future is already set in motion. The UTA Frontrunner station will encourage surrounding development, including new office and residential buildings. With projections for more housing demand in the area, plans include more medium-density residential projects and neighborhood commercial uses. The plan also provides areas for a new park and all of the district will allow for residential projects to combine with commercial and office uses. Provo Downtown Neighborhood Nearby Parks |
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Denise Martin (801) 602-9552 | [email protected]
Denise Martin (801) 602-9552 | [email protected]
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